nbn phone system

The NBN and Business Phone Systems

I was sitting with a customer the other day who had called me in for a quote on a phone system. He had been approached by a large carrier business centre that had advised him that “The NBN is coming and your old phone system will not be compatible!”. Now this is a great customer, firstly because he questioned the information he had just received, secondly, because he is loyal and gave us a quick call to get a competitive quote.

Much to our clients surprise, he does not need to change anything for his phone system to work on the NBN. That’s right – 95% OF CURRENT PHONE SYSTEMS WILL WORK ON THE NBN!! There you go! We said it!

Com2, whilst in the business of telephony are not going to the market to sell unnecessary phone systems, far from it. If anything, the NBN present a unique period of time in the market where it is worth while investigating alternate technology integrations into your CURRENT phone system with some real advice from industry professionals.

3 TIPS On NBN Business Phone Systems From Com2

Look At The Real Benefits Of The NBN For Business Phone Systems.

The NBN is going to change the speed at which you can do things on the internet. The NBN is also going to change the price of access to high speed data. What the NBN does not change is that it is still like any other standard ADSL service in the market place which is it is PUBLIC internet and therefore you should seriously consider the implications of putting voice communications over this network before choosing to move to the “latest and greatest NBN cloud phone solution”. Public internet is like trying to run across a 10 lane highway of full speed traffic and hoping you will get to the other side.. alive! Private Internet (which is where ALL of your voice communications should be) is like crossing the same highway over a pedestrian bridge. No interference. Lowest possible risk of failure!

Create A Whole Of Business Strategy

Look at the bigger picture, work on a strategy to understand what elements are going to benefit from being cloud based and what elements will not. Look at business survivability and redundancy. Will a cloud based solution over the NBN work if the internet gets cut off (by a contractor with a bobcat! This has even taken out entire states on some data networks!). Will the solution automatically roll over to Mobile? Is the server that your system on going to be locally based in a local data centre? Where does the data rout through? (many providers rout data through Guam and Singapore..!) The Com2team are here to make this an EASY experience rather than one driven by fear and uncertainty. Deal with experts to work on a strategy that delivers results, not band aids.

Talk To A Team Of People You Can Trust

Industry professionals (I’m not talking about the 16 – 21 year old Uni student who is in to make some quick cash for the week at the local business telco phone shop!) are people who have established a reputation in the market as leaders in the industry. Trustworthy advice delivered in a way you can understand & with no smoke and mirrors! When choosing the best person to talk to about your business phone system needs, you should be talking to people passionate about the product and delivering benchmark service, not someone who is trying to “give you a free phone system” and sign you up to a 5 year plan to do so! Again, yes, there are times we help clients get finance to suit their new phone system deployments, but locking in carriage to this is not the best way forward sometimes! Agnostic advice is hard to find, but our team is agnostic in carrier as we believe in the solution first and foremost, advice on carriage and delivery second, then implementation and ongoing maintenance as the final step in a professional deployment.

Call the team on 1300 887 495 today and discuss your needs further!

Author – John Boshier

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