Outbound Contact Centre tools

Driving Value From Outbound Contact Centre Begins With The Right Tools


Time is money, leads become opportunities but if you work under the philosophy that 1000 leads become 100 opportunities which become 20 – 50 sales, then the speed  at which you call those leads = the time it takes you to make money!

There are numerous reasons why you should look at a dialer for outbound campaign management, these are only a few:

High Speed Dialling At A Click

Letting the power of technology move through a calling list in a flash just makes sense! Utilising a well-designed Predictive Dialler, an algorithm begins dealing and is set at a speed to deliver LIVE calls to free agents as they come off calls. Your agent talks to more live people and doesn’t waste time with disconnected lines or message bank!

How Do You Leave A Message Without Talking?

Simple, with a professional predictive dialler you can automate your process so when the dialler detects a message service, it waits for the beep then plays the recorded message you wish to leave, leaving your agents to talk to real people!

Screen The Call Before It Is Handed To Your Agent.

With the ability to leave unavailable customers a voice message about a particular campaign, you can also have the system identify if a call-back was been part of a campaign and route the caller to the right agent. Streamline and save is the mantra of every call centre.

DNCR And Time Controls

Wash your data against the Do Not Call Register and set your dialler to only dial numbers within the allowable calling times for each state based on Area Code. 

Instant Messaging (IM) Chat With Your Team

Agents and managers can chat to each other to speed up communication on the call centre floor or to ask team members for assistance. Keep the call centre buzzing with call centre chat features.

Broadcast And Transfer

Schedule a batch of numbers for a broadcast call, survey, and if chosen to speak to a live agent. This gives you the ability to speak to hot opportunities or high interest leads that can open the door for more sales and conversions

Record, Monitor, Coach And Barge

Listen and monitor a call, whisper in your agent’s ear as they are talking to a customer, buddy onto a call and coach the agent live with a customer or barge in and take over an escalated call that needs the skills of a supervisor. It has never been easier to coach and develop your agents as it is today!

Simple Desktop Applications

Use one agent interface to script calls, manage emails, SMS and for social media. Chat to other co-workers or web chat with clients. The single interface is a diverse and comprehensive environment, which is made to keep your agents communicating and working together to deliver company targets.

CTI – TAPI Screen Pop

Push and Pull customer data from your CRM and drive efficiency with live data fed directly to the agent desktop. The faster you can work with your customer’s data and speed up each transaction, the higher the level of customer satisfaction is. Every transaction is recorded to your CRM to develop long term customer history.

CRM Integration

Out of the box integration with Sales force and Microsoft Dynamics is available, however it you have a custom CRM or one that is not common, we can develop custom integration to give you ultimate performance. 

Manage Campaigns

Simple campaign management gives you ultimate control over your data.  You can assign agents to lists or lists to agents and schedule these so that as one list is completed the next campaign and list becomes active. You maintain ultimate control over the data, you can see your results and you can capture missed contact opportunities to develop a new list. Set and forget!

LIVE Reporting And Wallboards

Pull live reports and data, utilize easy to use reporting modules and pre-set reports to be delivered throughout the day, week and month for key staff, supervisors and management. Your ability to monitor performance is easy and with the depth of reporting that helps your business make critical decisions and manage performance.

Call Back And Agent Routing

Set call backs for customers to speak to the same agent or same group of agents, depending on who is scheduled, and never miss a call back appointment. Either select the requested time for a call back, or based on previous interactions, the system can schedule the call back for you.

KISS Configurations

Keep It Super Simple so that anyone can make instant changes without the need for an internal IT manager to assist. Everyone in the business will enjoy the ease of use the embedded functionality

Reliable Performance

Day after day, your dialler will deliver greater results. The way you do business will change and the frequency you will be able to touch base with high value customers will increase.  Your brand, customer satisfaction, staff retention and business will grow as a result.

Talk To The Experts…

At Com2, we pride ourselves on customising a solution to the end user’s needs. Our team have a broad knowledge of the call centre and contact centre landscape, with a clear vision on current trends and future directions. Get in touch, give us a call or email our team and we will show you the options available to you for your particular need.


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