13 numbers & Smart Numbers make it easy for Australia to call!

  • A 13 number is the “13” followed by 4 numerals – these numbers can be selected for repetition, because they spell a word (e.g HELP or SAFE or HOME) or can be just made up of random values.
  • 13 Numbers are LOCAL CALL numbers as the caller is generally charged only for a fixed call fee (e.g. 30c) from land lines and most mobiles (some carriers still charge per minute or per second – make sure you ask your carrier!)
  • It is an Inbound Number Only – AKA, you can call out using your 13 number. It is built to be managed in your online inbound number manager for delivering calls to your selected destinations.

13 Numbers are Feature rich and EASY to remember!

  • 13 numbers (as all inbound numbers) are shown to improve the penetration of your marketing spend because they give a memorable number and a fixed cost for customers to get in touch.
  • 13 Numbers are “AUSTRALIA WIDE” – meaning that customers do not think of your company only existing locally. If you had only an 02, 03, 07 or 08 number, your potential customer are given the impression that you only service a particular local geographic area. This decreases reach and limits potential customers from calling (even though you are more than capable of servicing their needs!).
  • 13 Numbers come with GREAT FEATURES!!!! Includes CALL QUEUING, Call routing & CALL RECORDING

When you are a BIG business and you need an easy to remember number, a 13 number is the way to go.

Obtaining a 13 number is a great way to gain access to the whole Australian market place. Simple to remember is key, think 13 HELP (classic NRMA number) or many other easy to remember phone words.

13 numbers give your callers a simple CALL FEE of 25c – 40c depending on the carrier and the plan they are on. This flat rate call cost gives customers the confidence to contact you no matter where they are or what device they may be on.

When you subscribe to a 13 number you also get access to a stack of features and call routing management options which give you and your customers a simpler way to get in touch!

What are the Call Routing options we have for our 13 Numbers?

If you are looking for 13 Number call distribution without limitations and the traditional high costs from other Telco’s, Com2 have many of the features you pay 100’s of for INCLUDED AS PART OF OUR STANDARD PACKAGE. Com2’s Call Distribution methods comprise of the following options:

Integrate Voice Response’s (IVR’s) – Mobile Device Call Hunt Groups – Geographic Call Routes – Day of month, Time of Day & Out of Service Controlled Routing – Disaster Recovery Options – Business / Out of Business Hours Routing – CALLER ID ROUTING – VIP CALLERS – Ratio and Overflow Routing

Want to know more? Talk to our team about how we can build you 13 Inbound Number service. Get the most out of your service and make the most of your marketing with Com2.

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