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Move Data And Voice Privately And Effortlessly Between Your Business Locations…

FAQs About Private Data Network

How Does A Private Data Network Help My Business?

Com2 Communications uses private and secure links to create a wide area network (WAN) between your various business locations as required. This enables your business to prioritise and share data and transmit high quality voice on your own Private Data Networks (PDN).

What Is The Definition Of Private Data Networks?

Private Data Networks are defined as a communications network that is only utilised by a single entity or group. It may be created from dedicated private links between nominated sites or it can be created through a Virtual Private Network (VPN) format, where internet connections from various carriers are utilised to create the connection, but the routers are programmed to link via an encrypted link back to a main site of information such as your head office or a Data Centre.

What Data Links Do I Need For A Private Data Network?

Your Private Data Network links can be made up of different technology that all converge on a central core network meaning smaller branch offices or retail outlets can use inexpensive data links such as ADSL but still be part of this private network. As it is private, it removes all junctions of congestion ensuring you data transfer is both secure and fast.

How Can Com2 Communications Help Your Business With Private Data Networks?

The team at Com2 Communications can consult, design and deploy your Private Data Network solution whilst finding the best value links and connections to ensure you get a high quality network at the right price. Our team are experts in your whole of business telecommunications and can assist with Voice, Data and Video over these private networks, so give us a call today to discuss your needs!

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