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One of the key services Com2 Communications provides to our business clients is Mobile Fleet Management. This is to ensure that your mobile account is managed efficiently, causing the least amount of effort and stress on your business and providing a single point of contact when it comes to asking to get things done.

We Become Your Dedicated Contact Point For:

Plan Advise and Account Review
Service Disconnections
Adding and Removing Data Packs
Requesting additional bolt on product packages
Dealing with one person means that before you even pick up the phone, we understand what is happening in your fleet and the same person will help with your enquiry each time. We pride ourselves on maintaining a close relationship with our customers to make sure that we know what is happening in your business.
Remaining aware of these changes will enable your business communications to run smoothly at the least cost and assist in keeping those overheads down.

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Our business specialists will ensure that your on-going requirements and service issues are met and resolved quickly without any down time to your staff communications thus allowing you to get on with your business.
Success in today’s competitive environment requires that you operate effectively in every area. Communication is about keeping in reliable contact with your customers, suppliers and employees; this is paramount whether you’re in or out of the office.

Call com2 Communications today to discuss the options available for your mobile fleet.

Feel assured you have not only the experience we can offer, but that we take pride in delivering these services to you.


Mobile Device Procurement

If you are looking to hire someone in your business look after procuring, save yourself the expense! Com2 Communications has a vast network of wholesale suppliers from who we can obtain the broad variety of equipment used in modern communications environments.

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We can assist you in obtaining:

Mobile Handsets

Accessories (bulk only)

Phone Systems

Network Equipment


Tablet PC's

Phone Handsets

DECT Cordless

Anything Communications Related!

Give one of our friendly staff today to ask about how we can assist your business, corporation, government agency or local council get the best price and service from Com2 Communications.


Com2 - We're making telecommunications easy!

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