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Cheap Phone Calls

Make the most of our EXPERTESE in giving your business access to cheap calls through your new phone system.

Our call savings structures are created by utilising all the various technology we have access to fine tune your phone account with Low Cost Call Routing options through your phone system.

After assessing your usage and needs we will develop a plan that will give you peace of mind, greater flexibility with you lines and the best value you can get from your telecommunications provider.

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We use proven technology that works every time. Many of our customer have saved 1000’s with our telephone line packages and systems, and as your business grows, we can cater for expansion and keep your business costs contained.

Our experts can make sure you save at least 10 – 15% off your current costs and it only gets better from there. Our largest customers have obtained 40% savings!

Contact us today to work out how to save the largest amount of money and obtain the greatest value, all with Australia’s leading telecommunications providers.

Add to that you have access to a personal account manager when you need them, why would you look anywhere else!

We can help you out with:

New telephone line connections (PSTN, ISDN, Onramp 10/20/30, Multi line)

Phone system & Data Cabling

Single-bill consolidation and discount packaging

Telecommunications health check

Dedicated account manager

Fax solutions

ADSL, ADSL 2, Ethernet, Managed Data Networks

Mobiles – individual, group or fleet

Ask one of our friendly staff or contact us now for more information.


Com2 - We're making telecommunications easy!

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