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Increase Productivity​

How do you get more out of your call centre staff? Keep them busy! Dialler solutions are an incredible way to double, triple or even quadruple your call centre productivity. You can increase the number of calls where agents talk to customers which leads to more opportunities to sell, service and maintain customers. When integrated with your CRM, they are a powerful tool that will grow your business!

Increase Contact

Why? In one word: trust. Utilising dialler means that you can increase the customer contact your team makes with your biggest investment, your existing customers! As your dialler increases the productivity of your business, you will notice your agents have more spare time, this means you can engage them in higher levels of customer service, which helps your brand and improves customer satisfaction!

Increased Revenues

Your outbound business will naturally grow with a dialler. Just do the numbers. Same number of staff x twice the number of calls will present 2 times the opportunity. Simple! On average a dialler costs less that 1 Staff members annual wage to buy but will double your business revenues… Great ROI! Talk to our team of experts today and we can show you some of the options available to your business!



Talk to us today about our pre-emptive dialler and progressive dialler technology to see what would be the best for your business and call centre


What Is A Predictive Dialler

A predictive dialler works with a rigid algorithm that calls from a list using a prediction of agent availability and average call time, basically dialling out to ensure that there is a call ready.

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Typically predictive diallers, especially in smaller call centres, can lead to call delays for the receiving party, high call abandonment as the receiver puts the phone down before connecting to an agent, and can lead to agent burnout. Check out SpitFire or CyTrack as our recommended Predictive Dialler Solutions

What Is A Pre-Emptive Dialler

A pre-emptive dialler however works via a different method. With a pre-emptive dialler, you control and configure the ratio of agent to call out patterns and availability – this can even be done on the fly! When a pre-emptive dialler dials your pre-selected number list, it will determine if the call is a positive connection (someone answers) or a negative connection (answering machine, messagebank, fax, modem or no answer).

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A positive connection on the pre-emptive dialler is answered immediately by an agent, with no delay or pause like there is with a predictive dialler. Answering machines, messagebank and no answers can be rescheduled automatically for call back. You can even have a series of pre-recorded messages to be left for calls that are answered by an answering machine or messagebank.

What Is A Progressive Dialler

As for a progressive dialler, this is a more manual process. A progressive dialler waits until it is signaled by the agent to make the next call.

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