With decades of experiences in the Telecommunications Industry, Mark, John and the team have the expertise to deliver smart and efficient solutions on time and on budget.

With our consultative approach, Com2 Communications has developed into a leading provider of Whole of Business solutions to Small, Medium and Large Corporate Clients. We take pride in being the right choice for all your Business Communications requirements, acting as your single point of contact, accountability and support.

24/7 - 365 Days






Quick & Easy


Best Product

@ Best Prices

Phone Systems

Com2 have been selling phone systems for over a decade. Our solutions vary for each customers unique needs based on technologies available and size a scope of each site. We can build systems to an exact specification or to meet a budget, but we NEVER compromise on quality.

Voice Services

Over the years a lot has changed, we have worked as dealers for large carriers such as Telstra and Optus, but we have now seen that there is a better way for Australian businesses to take advantage of leading technology and systems to get great value from their telecommunications month on month with savings on voice using SIP or VoIP, including some unlimited services. We can also still help customers with traditional technology such as ISDN2, ISDN10/20/30 and PSTN connections as required.

Telecommunications Reviews And Planning

Our approach to larger customers is our glide path project. Customers start with their current costs and meet with us. We look over bills, locations, requirements, user behaviours in relation to telecommunications and technology used and then start to formulate a plan of attack based on what is available, what upgrades are required and what technology can be adapted to save money. We have saved our combined customer base millions of dollars over time. Our goal is to give you the BEST technology for the BEST price with no compromise on QUALITY.

Project Management

When choosing a telecommunications provider, it is important to choose a team who know how to deliver. We look after some large customers with individual sites in the 100’s of extensions and national footprints of 1000’s of extensions. Our goal is to make EVERY CUSTOMER no matter the size have an exceptional experience. This is done with effective project management and delivery of solutions as they are needed and expedite the process when the need is high. We have delivered new phone systems in 24 hours, but we excel at delivering well designed solutions as a project so that no stone is left unturned and so that your new solution is seamless.

Corporate Packaging And Negotiated Pricing

We don’t take just any deal, we hunt for the BEST deal when it comes to finding value for our customers. Our search is never ending, the technology, carriers and delivery methods are changing all the time and we keep abreast of all the variations happening in the market and always have the best products and prices for our clients. The bigger the opportunity, the more room for negotiation we have with suppliers. Com2 will always look for the better deal and pass on benefits where we find them! Always remember, we see telecommunications as what is the BEST outcome for you!

Managed Internet Services

Yes we do them all! Fibre 400, Fibre 100, Fibre 500 we can even do GB Fibre, we do Ethernet and Copper delivery, we have Microwave and Wireless Ethernet solutions , we have mobile data and we can deliver them all across one managed network, privately, securely and never leaving Australia until you need to search the web! We know networks and we deliver them. Talk to our team and you will soon understand that we make it easy for you to succeed in todays markets with the best of technology.

Multisite Deployments

With all the above expertise, we are able to put this technology to work for you. We can bring multiple sites together across one network and deliver data and voice harmoniously. We can put your PABX in the cloud or create a customer virtual PABX environment bespoke to your organisation. We can cater for multiple sites or home workers. We can design, deploy and manage your solution end to end, no other calls to make, no other elements to organise.


Because that is what we are passionate about. Our combined history of experience and extended network of technical experts and systems engineers will always mean we succeed. We don’t leave things to chance or hope, we plan and deliver. We are experts in our field. We are specialists in telecommunications. We are the team you can talk to and understand. We are Com2 Communications.

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Our combined history is the asset that gives our business a depth of experience that is hard to match. In sharing that expertise and experience we become an asset to our valued and loyal clients. Our expertise will help your business maximise the potential of your telecommunications.

Call today to organise a meeting with one of our specialists.

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Com2 - We're making telecommunications easy!

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